Decision Day

It’s almost time to vote in what is being described as one of the most important political decisions that we face as a country in a lifetime. Do we stay in the European Union or do we leave? Have you made up your mind yet? I have, although I’m going to refrain from commenting on … Continue reading Decision Day

Clegg, Farage and the Samaritan

On Wednesday there was the second part of a debate between the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg MP and the leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage MEP over whether or not Britain should stay in the EU ahead of the election of members of the European Parliament on the 22nd … Continue reading Clegg, Farage and the Samaritan

In, Out, Shake It All About…

‘...Do the hokey-cokey and you turn around, that’s what it’s all about!’ So goes a favourite song of our church Toddler Group, not that they are always so sure about which is in or out, let alone left or right! I’m going to risk talking politics for a moment. This week David Cameron announced the … Continue reading In, Out, Shake It All About…